The K9Jets Experience with Buddy Holly, the Little King of Dogdom

When I was first approached by Janice about travel options for Buddy’s return trip to the UK, I knew it would be an adventure I would never forget. Not only was I going to be the travel guardian for arguably the most famous dog in dogdom, I would experience the hospitality of a K9Jets flight.

I have traveled all over the world on many different airlines, often with a pet. Traditionally, pets need to be small, like my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Romeo, or a kitty. Larger dogs were not allowed to travel in the cabin and had to endure the cargo hold. I had dreamed of a solution for pet parents with larger pups to be able to travel in-cabin. When K9Jets began operations, I knew we needed to partner with them. Our company ethos that pets are family aligned perfectly with theirs.

It took a few months of planning and preparation before the flight. K9Jets was wonderful to work with for the logistics, especially the ease of uploading the required documents directly on their website for pre-clearance before the flight. That’s right, all the customs paperwork was taken care of before we even left the US!

I flew out to New York to see Buddy in all his glory as an Ambassador at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Although he retired the year before after his historic win, he was there eager to see his fans with a wagging tail and a happy expression that is so, well, so Buddy!

I couldn’t wait for the following week when Buddy and I would embark on his epic adventure aboard K9Jets.

Our flight departed from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, from a private terminal. When we pulled in, a guard verified we were there for the K9Jets flight and let us in. We parked and got Buddy out. He probably sensed the excitement, because he was ready to go.

We walked into the terminal and were instantly and most graciously greeted by the K9Jets staff. There were several other pups there of all shapes and sizes with their owners. We arrived an hour before our departure time, giving the pups time to settle and “sniff each other out.”

The staff made note of the interactions, each pup’s temperament, and size, and chose our seating arrangements based on that criteria. The goal was for everyone to have an enjoyable flight. Of course, Buddy, with his wonderful temperament, was easy to accommodate.

Just before boarding time, I took Buddy outside to a grassy area for one final potty before the flight. After Buddy “did his business,” we made our way back inside.

Our captain even came by to introduce himself to each passenger. This was a nice touch. He escorted Buddy and me across the tarmac to the plane ahead of the other passengers. We were greeted with smiles by the first officer and flight attendant.

Our seat was at the front of the plane near the entrance door. Let me tell you, the plane is absolutely fabulous inside. Luxury! Beautiful soft leather and wood finishes. Every detail meticulously put together. Wow!

Buddy was happy to sit on my lap in the big seat. We took off from Teterboro, watching the lights of New York slowly disappear out the window.

Once in flight, the flight attendant gave us a big fluffy blanket and pillow. Buddy quickly took advantage of these to make himself a “nest” on my lap.

The flight attendant served us a light dinner. I opted for the turkey wrap over the chicken breast, figuring it would be easier to eat with a hound on my lap. It was delicious! I kept Buddy occupied with a chewy I brought for this very scenario.

After dinner, the lights dimmed and we settled in for the long flight over the pond to the UK. I was prepared with downloaded movies and shows on my phone. Buddy happily snoozed on my lap, waking periodically for a belly rub and a sip of water.

About an hour before landing, I got up to use the restroom. The flight attendant was gracious enough to keep Buddy company outside the lavatory for a few minutes. When I came out, I saw Buddy on his back getting belly rubs from the flight attendant. Haha! He’s a ladies’ man.

We were served a light breakfast. Buddy was wide awake at this point, feeling the energy and anticipation of our imminent arrival in London. He was happy to chew and play with his favorite toy, a little giraffe.

On our descent, Buddy looked out the window, captivated by the gorgeous scenery and English countryside. We touched down at Farnborough Airport right on time.

As we taxied in, I could see the cars and awaiting family and friends of the passengers. I’m pretty sure Buddy spotted Lizzie before I did because he was excited!

The plane stopped and the door opened. The Farnborough Pet Team came onboard and welcomed everyone to the UK. They asked us to have our pet’s original travel documents ready. Since we had already sent them copies electronically, the pups were already cleared. They just scanned the pup’s microchip, verified the number matched what was on the paperwork, traded us the originals we brought for the endorsed copies they had, and that was it! No hassle, just an easy, stress-free experience for both pets and their people.

Adam from K9Jets boarded the aircraft and welcomed all of us. He graciously helped me with my backpack so I could carry Buddy off. As we stood at the threshold looking out over the airport, I felt immense joy. It also helped that I was holding the sweetest pup.

I set Buddy down and he greeted Lizzie with excitement. He was all tail wags and kisses. Actually, his whole body was wiggling! The smile on Lizzie’s face was priceless.

This is the best part of any pet transport for me: that special moment when pets meet their owners.

Back to the K9Jets experience… the K9Jets ground staff already had our luggage ready by the plane for us to collect and load into the waiting vehicles. That’s right, you can be picked up right at the plane!

Once everyone was off the plane and in the vehicles, we all drove to the exit. This is where the UK Border Force agents check your passport. Easy peasy, and off you go!

Lizzie, her husband Kyle, and I went inside the terminal to meet with Adam from K9Jets. We had a lovely conversation while Buddy played with his daughter, whom he had just met for the first time!

We said our farewells. It’s always hard to say goodbye to the pups in my care. Even though they are with me for a relatively short time, we make a connection. Each pet I have been privileged to care for over the years holds a special place in my heart. I remember them all.

I will remember Buddy Holly, the special, joyous PBGV, for the rest of my life. I know I will see him again one day.

For pet owners who view their pets as more than just animals, but as cherished family members, I cannot recommend traveling this way enough. Whether you fly with K9Jets yourself or send your beloved pet on a K9Jets flight under the care of a dedicated SPT Travel Guardian, the experience is worlds away from the cargo hold.

Your pets will thank you for it!

I want to thank Janice Hayes, Lizzie Cadmore, Gavin, and Sara Robertson for once again trusting me and Signature Pet Transport with one of your beautiful dogs. Also, Adam and Emma at K9Jets for their part in making this journey possible. I look forward to many more memories and happy pet relocations as we grow our partnership.

-Christian :-)

Want your pup to experience K9Jets just like Buddy Holly with their very own SPT Travel Guardian?

For EXCULSIVE offers on our Premier Pet Transport Services visit our K9Jets+SPT Page HERE.

Want to book a trip to travel with your own pup on a K9Jets flight?

Visit the K9Jets website HERE.

Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE discount of $100 OFF your ticket price when you enter promo code SPT at check out!


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